It is unlawful for anyone to give immigration assistance in Australia if they are not a registered migration agent, Australian legal practitioner or exempt person.

It is unlawful for anyone to give immigration assistance in Australia if they are not a registered migration agent, Australian
legal practitioner or exempt person. It is a criminal offence for an unregistered person to provide immigration assistance. Where possible, the Department of Home Affairs recommends you use a registered migration agent or an agent accredited by a local authority.

Immigration assistance is when a person uses their knowledge of migration procedures to:

  • help to prepare a visa application
  • advise a visa applicant about their visa application
  • help to prepare a document about a visa application
  • prepare for proceedings or represent an applicant before a court or review authority.
The cost will depend on the visa you apply for. The fee is usually not refundable, even if your visa is refused or if you withdraw your application. For more information please visit, https://www.border.gov.au/Trav/ Visa/Fees
Department of Home Affairs have visa processing time service standards for each visa. You can access the it onhttps://www.border.gov.au/about/access-accountability/service-standards/visa-processing Your application could take longer if you need character or health checks (including x-rays), you need to provide more information, or your application is incomplete.
Yes. You can apply for an Australian visa while you are residing overseas. We are able to arrange your Australian visa application while you are offshore.
Unfortunately, we cannot offer you any guarantees regarding the outcome of your application. For a visa application to be successful, you as the applicant must satisfy all requirements of the visa class being applied for. It under the discretion of the Department of Home Affairs to decide where or not to grant you a visa.
Pinnacle Migration Australia practice exclusively in the provision of immigration assistance and as such are not able to assist you in searching for a job in Australia. However, there are number of Australian organizations that offer this service.
This will vary according to your personal circumstances, such as whether you are bringing family with you to Australia, where you intend to live, whether you have already secured employment in Australia, and other lifestyle choices.

Navigating Australia’s intricate and ever-changing immigration laws and policies can be challenging. With over 100 Australian visa subclasses, it's crucial to seek expert advice from the outset of the migration process. As registered migration agent, we adhere to all regulations governing migration agents. Pinnacle Migration Australia specializes exclusively in Australian immigration law, allowing our clients to benefit from our knowledge and expertise. When you entrust us with your immigration matters, you can be confident that your Australian visa application will receive the best possible attention. However, Pinnacle Migration Australia cannot guarantee the success of any application.

Pinnacle Migration Australia understand that not everyone can travel and may have work or life commitments that need attending to. We can organize face-to-face meetings, telephone or Microsoft Teams consultations. There are plenty of methods we can use to provide you with the best options and ensure you start your Australian visa application successfully.

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